Jake seems like a nice guy, very cute, morals, good job, blah blah blah. I just don't care for him. First of all, I think that guys who seem a little too nice are probably really not that nice at all. And he's an adrenaline junkie, which I think is a bad sign in a a man, like some kind of compensating. I didnt like how he came back to warn Jillian about that weirdo last year. Guys do have a guy code, and he broke it. It wasnt really his business to do that. I think his judgement in women is pretty poor.

Gia is super pretty and certainly the nicest girl on the show. However, she had very obvious insecurity issues. I mean everyone has insecurities but hers were very apparent. I don't fault her for that. What I think is strange is that her insecurities were what was attracting Jake. She went home on Monday, so I'm sure many men will fall in love with Gia when she gets home. She's beautiful and sweet. She will be just fine.

Now onto Tenley. Tenley is also one of the prettiest girls on this season. I think she is a nice girl too and has more values than most girls on this kind of show. She has good wife/mother qualities about her. But i think that she and Jake just arent that into each other. I mean, Tenley just got divorced. Clearly she isn't ready for another engagement. She kept saying things along the lines about how no matter what happens Jake opened her heart up to love since her divorce. I get a serious friend vibe from their relationship. I think Jake and Tenley both look at each other and see how good on paper it seems, but they probably both know it's just not there.

Which leaves us with Vienna. I mean really? Vienna? Ick. I don't even know where to start. Vienna was "that girl" this season that was the crazy pants in the house and just drove the other girls crazy with her antics. One thing you have to watch out for is a girl who doesn't get along well with other girls. The girls that say things like, "All my friends are guys.", "Girls are such b------." Trust me, those girls are psychos. And that is the girl he is falling over all over? After how he tried to warn Jillian last year? What a hypocrite. Vienna's appearance on the first episode was in a bikini and bragging about her five car crashes that her daddy paid for and just kept buying her new cars because she's a princess. And she went on about how she is unemployed but that her daddy buys her everything she wants again because she is his princess. Weirdo. It seems pretty obvious from recent interviews with Jake and Gia that he chooses Vienna in the final episode. Jake keeps stating he surprises everyone in the end and that he hopes everyone understands. By "everyone" I'm guessing he really means his family (not to mention America). I would be embarrassed to bring home Vienna, especially after introducing my family to a nice girl like Tenley. His family must be devastated. I'm pretty sure Jake's family will be gracious on camera either way but I feel for them. And maybe I'm overestimating his family, maybe they arent normal either and will be fine with Vienna. Who knows. But I cant wait to see next week. And I'm glad Jake didn't let Allie back. She was a very mean girl and I hope she sees how mean she was by watching the episodes. It was not okay to treat Vienna the way she did, despite how annoying Vienna is. Anyhow, I hope that I am wrong and that Jake chooses Tenley but I dont think that is going to happen. I predict a crash and burn here. Especially with all of the recent articles about Vienna and her topless photos, table dancing, stripper mom, it's not looking good folks. Anyhow, cant wait to watch the women tell all next week....
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