From the moment I met my husband it was love at first sight. Completely. We were inseparable. After dating only a few days he called me to ask, "Do you like the Beatles?" It was at that moment I knew he was going to be my husband. He wanted to know if he should get us Paul McCartney tickets. He did. We went to the show and it was one of the best nights of my life.
Jeff and I are probably in the category of extreme Beatles fans. We have all of the songs on CDs and itunes. It is mine and his favorite group ever. Our First Dance song was "In My Life." Seeing Paul is the closest thing you will ever get to seeing the Beatles. It is indescribable, amazing, tears :' ). We just got tickets for the show next month at the Hollywood Bowl!!! I cannot wait...
My sister compares that moment I had when Jeff called me to a scene from Office Space where Peter asks Joanna if she like Kung Fu: (minute 2:40)
That's so funny. I love the Office Space clip! This is how I felt when Gabe told me his favorite movie was "Ferris Beuller's Day Off". That's when you know it's true love. BTW, I love the Beatles too, but not quite as much as you and Jeff.